What was the one take-away from the last century? Do not tolerate the intolerable. One third of a country watched as a different one third killed another one third. I appreciate what you were attempting to convey, but you need to employ more nuance instead of false equivalency. The Bluest Eye is not being challenged and banned because of child moleststion, it is being attacked to stop any discussions about the central point of the book: whiteness. Conversations of whiteness in 10-12th grade will generate tough questions for parents back home. Many who have never had to grapple with these issues. This is different than disinviting someone who does not believe the Holocaust ever took place from speaking at your college campus. There is no room in our society for Holocaust deniers. In my opinion, this piece of yours puts the banned book that discusses racial themes and the Holocaust denier on equal footing and that is my problem, unless that was your intent. Then you succeed…but I hope that was not your goal.