Thank you for reading what I wrote and for holding me accountable with my psychological spanking. As I try to shed the burden of anti-blackness that I have been saddled with over a lifetime, I still default to certain elements of respectability politics. Embarrassing black folk in front of white folk still has a firm grasp around my neck.
One element that I should get into is the Church's role in spankings.
Spare the rod and spoil the child is a refrain we have heard at almost every church in America.
Moreover, the idea of the patriarchy and hierarchy that we get through Christianity also plays a role. The wife is to submit to the husband, and the kids are to submit to the mother.
Bren, describes the immigrants I was talking about way more eloquently than I could. The people who came here after or during the end of slavery to get jobs and to avoid their fate in Europe.
This is a long discussion on the role of spankings and how many of us who were spanked are no longer spanking our children; that needs to continue.