Bren, I have been having years of conversations with my friend about her family that brought me to this conclusion about whites coming to America. In some instances the land had been already given out, but there was too much land to work and be tamed. So they needed others to come here to take some of the land while helping the owners work their own land.
In my friend’s case, her grandfather came around 1890. He was promised land in exchange for helping another established German work his land. So he got his parcels of land and worked the other person’s land as well. Eventually, he was able to purchase more and more land.
I see this situation not as the breach of a contract by the United States Government but as evidence of why reparations are required to repair historical harm.
My friend and her cousins meet quarterly to review the land's proceeds and determine if they will charge more rent. When I told her about the young girl, she was coming from said meeting. That is where I drew the connection from.
It is always an honor when you read what I write and leave such a great comment. Now I have something to ponder and explore. Thank you.